A 4th generation Californian and San Mateo County native, Kevin Mullin is proud to be representing CA-15 in the U.S. House of Representatives, to defend our democracy, strengthen climate resilience, and build an economy that works for everyone.
Kevin's passion for civic engagement and democracy started early. As the son of a high school government teacher and a mother who enjoyed lively discussion at the dinner table, Kevin learned early that civic engagement and being an active participant in the political process gives you a voice in your local, state and federal government.
As a senior in high school, Kevin participated in the Close-Up program where he first visited the nation's capital, as well as the City of South San Francisco's Youth in Government Day program (founded by his father Gene Mullin) providing him and fellow students with the opportunity to see first-hand the inner workings of local government. Later in life, he participated in the program as an elected official and was reminded of the importance of engaging young people in their democracy.
His elected experience began as a member of the City of South San Francisco City Council from 2007-2012, serving as Mayor in 2011. He then represented San Mateo County in the California State Assembly from 2012-2022, serving as the Speaker pro Tem from 2014 until his departure, making him the longest tenured Speaker pro Tem of the modern era.
As the #2 officer in the Assembly, Kevin was part of the leadership team and presided regularly over floor sessions. In this role, Kevin made rulings on parliamentary inquiries and helped ensure bi-partisan cooperation and civility during Assembly business.
During his Assembly tenure, Kevin had over 60 bills signed into law, many focusing on elections and democracy reform. He championed All-Vote-By-Mail elections, and was author of the landmark DISCLOSE Act as well as the Social Media DISCLOSE Act so voters can easily see who is actually paying for political advertisements on TV and social media.
Kevin is a champion for climate resiliency. He was one of the architects of the $3.7 billion climate resilience package, helped ensure funding was allocated for Caltrain electrification, and worked to ensure the creation of San Mateo County's OneShoreline, the agency that will help fight sea level rise and work to protect local, state, and federal assets and infrastructure.
Kevin is also hard-of-hearing and wears hearing aids, and has been an advocate for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, through consumer protection legislation.
Kevin served as an aide to his political mentor, former Congresswoman Jackie Speier when she was a state legislator. He has also been a local small communications business owner and television host and commentator.
Kevin graduated from Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo and the University of San Francisco and has a master's degree from San Francisco State University. He also studied leadership at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Kevin is a passionate Bay Area sports fan and closely follows the Golden State Warriors, San Francisco 49ers and Giants, and his alma mater's U.S.F. Dons. As a retired mobile DJ formerly known as "Cutmaster Kevvy Kev", he still mixes music for fun. Kevin, his wife Jessica and their twin boys, Liam and Landon enjoy walking, hiking or biking on trails throughout the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.